
Provide text alternatives for non-text content, such as images and videos. This helps users with visual impairments who rely on screen readers to understand the content. Offer captions for videos and transcripts for audio content to assist users who are deaf or hard of hearing


Design the site so it can be navigated using a keyboard alone. This is crucial for users with motor disabilities who cannot use a mouse. Ensure all form fields, buttons, and interactive controls are accessible and usable with assistive technologies.


Use simple and clear language. Avoid jargon and complex sentences to make content easier to understand. Design consistent and predictable navigation to help users know where they are and where they can go next.


Ensure the website works well with various browsers, devices, and assistive technologies. This includes making sure the site is compatible with screen readers and other accessibility tools. Follow web standards and best practices to ensure that content remains accessible as technology evolves.
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Big Island Real Estate

Big Island Real Estate

Big Island Real Estate Photographer, PanaViz has photographed many aspects of the 3,200 acre Mauna Lani Resort over the years. Here, we showcase a glorious home within the Mauna Lani Estates. This home is a gracious showcase of resort life.