Terms Of Services and Conditions

**Important Notice: Please review this agreement carefully before accessing or utilizing the website, CoastalAreaGuide.com, and associated voice and mobile applications offered by Real Estate ("Company"). This agreement covers online features, services, and programs related to lead generation, responding to inquiries, and management within the real estate industry and its related sectors, collectively referred to as the "Service." Your access or use of the Service constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Service ("Terms"). If you do not agree to abide by all of these Terms, refrain from accessing or using the Service. Moreover, specific areas of the Service may be subject to additional terms of use, accessible for your perusal upon entering such sections. Your utilization of these areas, or any segment thereof, expressly indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to comply with the applicable additional terms of use. In the rare instance of a conflict between these Terms and the additional terms of use for a particular area, the latter shall prevail. **

User Responsibilities

By accessing and utilizing the Service, you commit to complying with all relevant local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. Furthermore, you explicitly acknowledge and agree that your utilization of the Internet to access the Service is undertaken entirely at your own risk.


**Communication Preferences, his communication may include emails, SMS, text messages, automated voicemail drops, and push notifications. However, you retain the option to opt out of any or all of these communications at any time based on your preferences. For email communications, use the provided unsubscribe link in any Company email and follow the associated instructions. To opt out of SMS and text messaging, reply with "STOP" to any text sent by the Company. If you wish to avoid phone calls, communicate your preference when receiving a call from the Company. The Company will exert commercially reasonable efforts to comply with your communications requesting an opt-out of specific forms of contact.

Purchase Information and Representations:

In order to make a purchase ("Purchase") of any product or service available through the Service, you may need to provide specific information pertinent to your transaction. This information includes, but is not limited to, your credit card number, card expiration date, billing address, and shipping preferences and address. You affirm and guarantee that: (i) you possess the legal right to utilize any credit card(s) or other payment method(s) used for any Purchase, and (ii) the information you furnish to the Company in connection with a Purchase is accurate and truthful. The Service might utilize third-party services to facilitate payment and the completion of Purchases. By submitting your information to the Service, you grant the Company the right to share that information with its third-party service providers, subject to our Privacy Policy. The Company retains the right to decline or annul your order at any time, for reasons that include but are not limited to suspicion of fraudulent, unauthorized, or illegal Purchase transactions; product or service availability; inaccuracies in the description or listed price of a product or service; or other related errors or reasons. Availability, Mistakes, and Inaccuracies the Company consistently updates product and service offerings on the Service. Occasionally, there may be delays between the update of information on the Service and corresponding adjustments to the Company's advertising. Additionally, there is a possibility that the information on the Service may contain errors, inaccuracies, be incomplete, or become outdated. The Company does not assure the accuracy or completeness of any information available on the Service and retains the right to update information, as well as rectify errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice.

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Big Island Real Estate

Big Island Real Estate

Big Island Real Estate Photographer, PanaViz has photographed many aspects of the 3,200 acre Mauna Lani Resort over the years. Here, we showcase a glorious home within the Mauna Lani Estates. This home is a gracious showcase of resort life.